certification programs

Electrical Power Testing Performance Measures

Level I Performance Measures


 Recognize, interpret, and correctly respond to various sources of safety-related information on the job   site.


 2 Recognize and correctly respond to the hazards associated with working with and around various   types of electrical power equipment.


 Identify and wear personal protective equipment correctly, recognizing and avoiding damaged or ill-   fitting equipment.


 Identify the nominal voltage of electrical power equipment (as it pertains to safe approach distances).


 Select and connect test equipment in order to safely and correctly measure voltage and current.


 Follow written and verbal instructions related to electrical equipment, test procedures, and safety.


Level II Performance Measures


 Identify, interpret, and apply the standards that govern assigned visual and mechanical inspections.


 Perform an onsite inspection of a power transformer and accurately record transformer data on a   datasheet.


 Draw an oil sample from a power transformer, in accordance with standards, for dissolved gas and   quality analysis.


 Perform a transformer insulation resistance test.


 Perform a transformer turns ratio test and calculate the turns ratio.


 Clean, inspect, and operate the functional components of low- and medium-voltage circuit breakers.


 Perform a high-current injection test on a low-voltage circuit breaker.


 Measure the contact resistance and insulation resistance of low- and medium-voltage circuit breakers.


 Inspect low- and medium-voltage circuit breaker cells for properly working interlocks and stored energy   release mechanisms.


 Perform an overpotential withstand test on a cable.


 Perform an overcurrent protective relay test with a relay test set.


 Perform a polarization index test on a motor.


 Conduct a battery bank inspection.


 Perform fuse continuity tests.


 Perform continuity and ground grid tests.


 Ensure that a circuit is electrically safe in accordance with NFPA 70E.


 Read, interpret, and follow switching instructions.


 Identify electrical hazards encountered in the work place and take appropriate action.


 Select and use proper personal protective equipment for a switching or grounding task.


 Enter data into an electronic spreadsheet and send it as an email attachment.


 Convey accurate information about job procedures, requirements, and impacts to the client, and report   to the company accurately on work performed, results, recommendations or advice given to the client,   and information received from the client that affects either the work performed or future plans.


Level III Performance Measures


 Measure an LTC turns-ratio on all tap positions.


 Test transformer protective devices and gauges.


 Test the functionality of circuit breaker interlock devices.


 Perform a time/travel analysis of a circuit breaker.


 Conduct power-factor/dissipation-factor testing of medium and high-voltage transformers, circuit   breakers, and cables.


 Inspect medium and high-voltage cable and evaluate for correct cable supports, bending radius, lug   compressions, and shield terminations


 Perform point-to-point wiring checks, electrical tests, and mechanical checks to evaluate overloads,   potential transformers, RTD’s, ground fault devices, and zone interlock devices on new switchgear   installations.


 Program relays for CT/PT ratio, significant digits, and any operations specified for a relay protection   scheme.


 Inspect, test, and evaluate the operation of a differential relay.


 Use a 3-phase test set to inspect, test, and evaluate each function of a relay.


 Inspect, test, and evaluate the operation of standard multifunction relays.


 Inspect, test, and evaluate the accuracy of watt meters, VAR meters, and multifunction power meters.


 Inspect, test, and evaluate a substation battery system for physical condition, electrical impedance and   capacity, and load equalization.


 Inspect and evaluate grounding bonds, clamps, and welds, and verify proper torquing of bolted   connections on a new grounding system installation.


 Inspect, test, and evaluate the operation of a capacitor.


 Collect an SF6 gas sample for testing.


 Interpret a thermographic survey of a medium or highvoltage electrical power system and accurately   report the electrical anomalies identified.


 Interpret and analyze historical test data for indications of equipment deterioration or failure trends.


 Recognize anomalous results; investigate and analyze test procedures and environmental factors to   evaluate the validity of the results.


 Develop a sequence-of-operations and a switching procedure to provide isolation for one section of a   power distribution system.


 Select appropriate inspections, tests, and test equipment to fulfill a scope of work involving   transformers, circuit breakers, switchgear, and cables.


 Analyze control and protection schemes involving differential, power, and multifunction relays, and other   control circuits, and select the inspections, tests, test sequences, and test equipment


 Develop a worksite safety plan by reviewing the testing plan, surveying site hazards, and gathering   facility rules and other site specific safety information.


 Plan and supervise lock-out, tag-out, and verification of de-energization of circuits.


 Work with the client to plan job requirements, including manpower, time, space, power, PPE, etc., for   efficient and productive time on-site.


 Directly supervise 3 test technicians throughout the safe and correct performance of a scope of work   involving inspection and testing of a complete substation or distribution system.


 Prepare written reports on test results & evaluations that are clear, accurate, thorough, and honest.


Level IV Performance Measures


 Evaluate the client’s testing requirements to determine the applicable standards, proper test   procedures, and required test equipment for a testing project.


 Evaluate test procedures for, and determine the serviceability of, electrical safety equipment.


 Develop testing procedures to accurately determine the functionality of power system protection,   metering, and controls.


 Correctly test relay schemes for transmission line protection, breaker failure, generator protection, and   metering.


 Correctly test the communication functions of power system fault data recorders, DCS, RTU, and   SCADA systems


 Correctly perform and document a variety of electrical tests, as specified by NETA’s ATS and MTS   standards, for each of the following:

  • power generation systems and equipment;
  • power transmission systems and equipment; and
  • power distribution systems and equipment.


 Evaluate electrical test data for transformers, regulators, circuit breakers, cables, switchgear, motor   control centers, switches, fuses, relays, meters, motors, generators, battery systems, surge arresters,   and grounding systems to determine their serviceability.


 Evaluate proposed repairs, modifications, or upgrades to electrical equipment, for adherence to   appropriate industry standards.


 Evaluate the real-time load data for an equipment installation.


 Based on project test results and equipment data, determine the serviceability of a power system and   any corrective measures needed to meet industry standards.


 Plan and supervise testing projects that involve two or more crews totaling four or more technicians,   and that meet budget, scheduling, and technical requirements.


 Develop a facility electrical preventative maintenance program that meets the needs of the owner and   the specifications of the client, equipment manufacturers, and applicable electrical standards.