
Take the NICET Exam (Level I) at Your Home or Office

NICET is pleased to offer remote proctored exams that allows candidates to conveniently take an exam in the comfort of their home or office. The exams are still proctored through a locked down connection using the webcam and other recording technology for added security. Do to the high-stakes nature of NICET certification the remote proctored option is restricted, for now, to Level I exams.

NICET online proctored exams are administered via OnVUE, the remote proctoring platform of Pearson VUE. This greatly simplifies the application and scheduling process for candidates. Just login to your NICET account and “Apply” just like you would for any NICET exam. Once you have completed the transaction click “Schedule in the left side navigation then “Schedule with Pearson VUE”. On the next page you will see the option to choose in-person or online. It looks like this:

Prior to registering for online make sure to read minimum system requirements, understand additional agreements regarding privacy and security, and other information found at Online Proctored Exam Requirements and Guidelines - NICET.

Additionally, visit Pearson VUE’s site-- NICET OnVUE exam information // Pearson VUE to run a system test, find out about preparing your space, read how the check-in process works and more.